If you think life would be so much easier and more fulfilling if you were just a little more confident in yourself then let me tell you... IT DEFINITELY WILL!

Being confident isn't about being the loudest in the room, the most gifted or the most natural. Confidence is the essence you bring around with you. It's right in your core and is something that you use in life whether you're doing well or not so well.

In this programme I teach you valuable lessons about how to create more confidence in yourself; how to kick self-doubt to the curb and to create the self-worth you’ve always deserved. This course is designed for you if you have low self-esteem, are sick of not having the confidence to be who you truly want to be, or are tired of walking around with that tight feeling in your gut. 

Trust me, I know how it feels. I used to think very little of myself and truly believed I wasn't good enough. The lessons and topics I discuss in this course are the very steps I followed to become the woman I am today. This is the stuff that helped me to become an Operations Manager; to speak in front of a huge audience; and still, today helps me now that I'm running a business of my own.

What I teach is the result of years of me finding my own voice and trialling things out. It's full of excitement, great motivation and steps you can take immediately to REINFORCE YOUR CONFIDENCE!

Day 1

Believing in Yourself

This module goes deep into believing in yourself. I go into trusting your intuition, accomplishing your achievements and self-doubt vs self-worth.

Day 2

Living Your Life in Alignment

We discuss all things about living your life in alignment. This includes being happy in your life, who you see yourself as, not worrying about what others think, filtering out information, limiting beliefs and energy leaks.

Day 3

Being Brave

It’s time to be brave! This module covers comfort zones, motivation, desires, consistency, growth and mindset.

Course curriculum

    1. Message from Georgie! x

    1. Recording - Day 1

    2. Booklet - Day 1

    1. Recording - Day 2

    2. Booklet - Day 2

    1. Recording - Day 3

    2. Booklet - Day 3

About this course

  • £25.00
  • 7 lessons